
Kate Pankhurst does all the inside illustrations

Kate Pankhurst


And they are Ace! Kate lives in Leeds. She loves to find peculiar looking people and animals to draw, which is why she decided to get a job as an illustrator.

pen and ink of Danny Baker

When she was studying at the University of Central Lancashire in 2002, Kate won the Macmillan Prize for Picture Book Illustration.


Since then, she has illustrated a number of children’s books with lots of exciting authors, such as the "Pain and the Great One" series for Judy Blume.


Kate loves working with children and young people to help them develop their creative abilities, and this gives her lots of inspiration for her own illustrations. 


Nick Sharratt illustrates the Danny Baker covers

Nick Sharratt


Everyone knows Nick Sharratt! He's more famous than the Queen! Probably. Possibly. Maybe not. Nick is from London, and has even less hair than me! Ace! 


As you can see from the Danny Baker Record Breaker covers, he loves to use vibrant colours and bold patterns in his pictures, but, he says, "the most important element of my work is always the humour."

The World's Nittiest Scalp illustration


His work is split between illustrating for other writers, and producing his own picture books for younger kids. You'll probably know him best for all his great work with Jacqueline Wilson.


Eating is one of Nick's favourite hobbies, so you'll see lots of food in his drawings!