The World's Awesomest Air-Barf by Steve Hartley: Two more hilarious Danny Baker adventures (free stickers inside)

The Pain in Spain

Matthew, Danny Baker Record Breaker's best friend.

When Dad is offered a job as Manager of Real Marisco, Danny jets off to Spain with his family and best friend Matthew.

Then an ancient curse strikes the town of Marisco, and only Danny can save the day. But Danny needs Matthew’s help, and Matt isn’t speaking to him...

Vomit Air

• Will there be enough sickbags on the plane?

• How do the boys escape the attack of the giant prawn?

• Who can squint and waggle their ears at the same time?

• Can Danny and Matthew ever be friends again?


• Most important of all – how can Danny be a Record Breaker when he’s stuck up a tree with a bucketful of bugs?

The Super-Secret Ingredient

There’s squelchy fun on Grandad’s farm, as Danny attempts some especially wriggly records.

But events take a terrifying turn, when the boys’ Pongy Potion causes unexpected side-effects in the local wildlife…

• How did that smelly old sock end up on Grandma’s TV arial?


• When does Matthew’s skill at cowpat-hurling come in handy?


• What needs to go into High Containment Unit X1-2000?


• Can you really be petrified by a pong?

• Most important of all, can Danny help Grandad defeat his deadly rival, and still break a record?


Thankfully, this story is NOT published by Stinky Books Ltd, but have a peg handy, just in case!



Illustrations by Kate Pankhurst and Nick Sharratt.